Monday, February 16, 2009

Action Plan

Suggestion 1: Use short bulleted points instead of long sentences on PowerPoint slides, and have something for students to fill out.
I plan on using PowerPoint a great deal in my future classroom. Using bulleted lists as would be easier for the students to read and write down the important information. Also, if budget cuts weren't occurring in Pickens County, and are not at my future school of employment I would make guided notes out of my PowerPoint presentations so they students have to follow along and fill in the blank points.

Suggestion 2: Incorporate more photos and images into PowerPoint presentations.
I think it is important to keep kids focuses and interested in the material being presented. By adding interesting photos and images throughout a PowerPoint presentation, you can keep the students engaged in the lesson because photos tend to grab their attention. I plan on incorporating as many captivating images as possible into my presentations in order to keep the students attention, but also to aid in the understanding of the material because some can remember photos easier than long sentences.

Suggestion 3: Ask questions about what type of source students are analyzing.
I plan on using a variety of sources in my classroom while teaching Social Studies. It is important that my students understand what type of documents that they are using and analyzing. It is imperative that they know and understand the differences between primary and secondary sources.

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